A Mother's Love untold

She is a warrior despite her flaws and imperfection. She is a mother.

What is a Mother? How to be a Mother? I've got so many questions running in my head when I was a little child . But you know what? As I grew older I've learned that being a mother is a sacrificed. A lifetime commitment and responsibility but with love, care, and contentment.

I've never dream of becoming a mom. I actually hate it, especially when I always see my mother crying because of my father. But I guess life is really complicated eh? And fate made it all good because you know what? I became a mother unplanned. I married my boyfriend unplanned. Everything was unplanned! Infact I even loathed myself for being a mother on a young age without being ready. It's really hard to accept you know especially when you learned that your long time partner was cheating on you.

Days, months had past when I gave birth to my daughter everything has change I fell inlove with her instantly the moment I saw her . My heart was filled with joy and contentment. I remember telling that wow so this was the feeling of being a mother it's like being in cloud nine .My daughter change me and I'm loving it every single day.  Life really is full of surprises and I thank God for giving me my daughter a forever miracle that change my heart to a mother's heart.


Clarence Fredeluces

1 Blog posts
